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Selasa, 8 Februari 2011

Bila Waktu Terbaik Untuk Membeli Emas

Bilakah waktu terbaik untuk membeli emas sering diutarakan oleh mereka2 yang mula berminat dengan emas. Di ringkaskan cerita tak mau panjang2 ini jawapannnya:
Sekiranya kita membeli emas untuk tujuan membina ketahanan ekonomi kita untuk jangka  masa panjang termasuk untuk pendidikan anak2, simpanan hari tua, dan agar aset yang merupakan hasil jerih payah kita tidak terus menurun nilainya waktu demi waktu maka  untuk tujuan ini bila2 masa sahaja adalah masa paling sesuai untuk kita membeli emas. Makin ditunggu makin lambat untuk kita 'merasai' nilai aset paling berharga ini. Mudah kan??

Sekiranya anda menyimpan untuk tujuan mengukuhkan ekonomi anda  untuk jangkamasa panjang – maka tidak ada waktu yang salah untuk memindahkan aset anda dari aset yang berpeluang mengalami debasement (penurunan nilai) iaitu wang kertas kepada aset yang terbukti memiliki daya beli yang stabil sepanjang zaman, 
Kesimpulannya, masa terbaik anda untuk membeli emas adalah pada saat anda memiliki excess fund. Pada bila2 masa sahaja sesuai, sekiranya tujuan anda membeli emas adalah untuk simpanan jangka panjang demi membina ketahanan ekonomi anda dan keluarga dari 'pengikis' nilai matawang iaitu inflasi. Yang mana ia akan mengikis nilai matawang anda sedikit demi sedikit.

Contoh Nilai Emas Tidak Terhakis ~ 1 Dinar Emas terbukti cukup stabil jika pada 1400 tahun dulu harga seekor kambing bersamaan 1 Dinar, pada hari juga harganya tetap sama iaitu seekor kambing bersamaan 1 Dinar Emas. Berbanding wang kertas, jika dulu dengan wang RM1 kita dapat beli macam2 barang, tetapi hari ini dengan RM1 nak beli nasi sebungkus pun tak cukup.

Manakala dari segi jangka pendek pula, emas sebenarnya adalah satu urusniaga jual beli jangka pendek yang menguntungkan. Selain itu, terdapat juga teknik2 tertentu boleh digunakan jika kita mahu menjana keuntungan dengan emas, dan ia telah dinyatakan di bawah tajuk teknik menjana keuntungan dengan emas dalam post sebelumnya..

By Craig R. Smith, CEO SATC

A.D.700 – A.D. 1924: From the very beginning, Muslims used a gold coin called a Gold Dinar as their form of money. The Gold Dinar remained the official Islamic currency until the collapse of the Ottoman Empire in 1924… when it disappeared for 77 years.
But on Nov. 7, 2001 — less than two months after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11 — the Islamic Dinar was officially re-launched by the Islamic Mint in West Malaysia and is now available to the public.
Although a beautiful coin, the Gold Dinar could pose a serious threat to the U.S. economy! In fact, its supporters believe the Gold Dinar will become the official currency of more than 1.5 BILLION Muslims worldwide. Now radical Islam is urging Muslims worldwide to drop the U.S. Dollar and adopt the Gold Dinar as their primary currency!

Since the reissue of the Gold Dinar in November 2001, the U.S. Dollar has dropped to a RECORD LOW against the euro… while the price of gold has SOARED from about $260 per ounce to an 8-year RECORD HIGH of over $410 per ounce. And this is just the beginning!
As the dollar continues to drop, the priced-for-perfection stock market could be impacted dramatically. Unprepared investors could lose BILLIONS! It’s no coincidence that Osama bin Laden chose to strike the World Trade Center on Sept. 11… Why?
Because, the World Trade Center represented the heart and soul of the U.S. economy. And destroying the U.S. economy is the main pillar of bin Laden’s strategy to bring down the United States.
Back in 1997, there was a huge and devastating currency raid by the famous trader, George Soros, who leveled Asian monetary units and caused the major Asian economies to falter. It is true that some of those economies have not fully recovered. However, it is also true that history may point to this currency raid and raider as the germination of the seed for the uniting factor of Islamic economic power that changed the economic and monetary world.

On Jan 18 Forbes reported that Sell oil for gold, Mahathir tells Saudi Arabia … “Former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad said on Sunday that Saudi Arabia should sell oil for gold, not dollars, to avoid being “short-changed” by a decline in the U.S. currency … He suggested countries tally their total annual imports and exports and settle the difference at the end of the year in “gold dinars.”
Recent news supports the idea that the Gold Dinar, with support from 53 other Islamic nations, is a planned offensive against the use of the dollar as a settlement currency for oil. It is perceived, and correctly so, that the Islamic world is controlled via the use of the US dollar as the main settlement currency.
When I say “controlled” I mean whatever happens economically in the USA is exported there via the dollar. Dollars exchanged for the Gold Dinar currency as a measure for gold settlements quarterly or gold convertible to pay for certain oil imports would end all the debate of whether or not gold has a place in the monetary system.

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